Health Psychology

Health What is health psychology?
Health psychology focuses on how connections between your physical health, the actions you take, your thoughts, beliefs and emotions, all interact to influence your health. As an integrative therapist, I’m guided by a holistic, biological, psychological, social, and spiritual approach that accounts for how all parts of you interact to create health, or oppose it.

What does health psychology look like in a session?
For example, during an assessment I’ll ask about current and past habits that challenge your health, and cause you concern. We’ll discuss beliefs, thoughts, and emotions, as well as your social well being. Are you content with your social/family life? Are there any work-related areas of concern? Do any of these areas interfere with your health? If you long to experience spiritual and/or religious insights or practices, we’ll explore what this means, how it might look to change it, and how it might help your overall wellness.

We’ll also discuss health-related practices you’d like to start but don’t know how. For instance, perhaps you want to start an exercise routine, but lack the motivation or energy to start one. Or maybe, you are relieved to have recovered from an overwhelming health condition, but the idea of beginning an exercise routine causes such fearfulness that the thought of it seems impossibly stressful.    

How can health psychology help?
Ultimately, my goal is to help you look holistically at the emotional responses, moods, beliefs, thoughts, anxieties, relationships, family, work, or spiritually oriented areas you believe negatively impact your health. Therapies we use during this process (for example, cognitive therapies, trauma sensitive psychotherapy, EMDR, mind-body therapies such as guided visualizations, and grief therapies) are intended to help you strengthen your emotional and physical health.

Book an online appointment today for Health Psychology with Diana J Bowen.





10:00 am - 4:00 pm


10:00 am - 4:00 pm


10:00 am - 4:00 pm


10:00 am - 4:00 pm



