
Depression And Anxiety What is depression?
Symptoms of depression include unrelenting distress, malaise, anxiety, inner agitation, fatigue, low libido, poor memory, irritability, insomnia, and a sense of hopelessness. In addition, emotional symptoms might include:

- Apathy
- Sadness
- Guilt
- Exhaustion
- Irritability

A predisposition for depression sometimes runs in families, and even if it hasn't been present for some time, or ever, symptoms can be activated by trauma and adverse life circumstances.

What are the symptoms of depression telling us?
Depression is a symptom that tells us something is off balance, or unwell in the body, and in need of attention. As an integrative and holistic therapist, it’s my belief that the human body doesn’t make mistakes after evolving for millions of years; if it's true that anxiety and trauma symptoms are protective, can we make a similar statement about depression? Might the onset of depression be adaptive?

Put another way, what if depression is a clue, a signal that we need to focus on something that's causing us to feel off kilter with ourselves? In this way, perhaps depressive symptoms offer an opportunity.

Why do we get depressed?
Authors of a 2014 study asked why we get depressed – not just how - and what to do about it. They concluded that while depression might have served a purpose in the past, the intense and complex nature of modern-day life is causing so many more people (up to 41%) to feel depressed, that its causes come from more than one source. This view of depression suggests it isn’t only caused by psychological and emotional stress, but also, physical inflammation (caused by diet, lifestyle, experiences) that over time, causes serious physiological/emotional/psychological changes to unfold.

Still other studies point to evidence that it’s the environmental effects on a gene, rather than the gene itself, that causes illness (including depression). For instance, an individual might be vulnerable to depression because a family member has it, but never develops it. However, if lifestyle and relationship circumstances take a downward turn, their genetic vulnerability might get activated and cause depression to emerge. 

It’s important to see your medical provider to rule out whether symptoms of depression are actually caused by something else. In addition, a person must experience symptoms for at least two weeks to be diagnosed with depression.

How to get relief from depression
Though every case is unique and requires individual attention, I might recommend a number of effective ways of treating depression, including:

- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Psychotherapy
- Mindfulness
- Adopting lifestyle changes
- Mind-Body therapies

Book an online appointment today for depression with Diana J Bowen.





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